Donors are a central part of the partnership and contribute financial and technical resources to advance quality education for all children through CoA mechanisms.
They fuel education system transformation and help CoA partner countries build stronger and equitable education systems fit for the 21st century.
Donors contribute funding to education on a bilateral basis through their country-level programs and through the CoA Fund, and in some cases are CoA grant agents.
Donors weigh in on CoA strategies, policies and grant decisions through representation in CoA governance structures. There are six donor constituencies on the CoA Board and donors are involved in each of Board’s executive and technical committees.
The channel between donor agencies at headquarters level and country level is important to maintain, ensuring effective links and feedback loops for communication and learning around the implementation of these strategies and policies.
Donors also play a strategic role as technical and thematic partners to CoA, co-financing or supporting initiatives and coalitions in areas like teaching and learning, early childhood care and education, gender equality, climate smart education, and sector planning and monitoring, among others.